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Organic Olive Leaves are antiseptic, astringent, febrifuge, tranquilizer. Olive Oil: cholagogue, demulcent, emollient, laxative. A decoction of the leaves or inner bark of the tree is effective Against fever; an infusion of the leaves has a tranquilizing effect helpful for nervous tension. Olive oil taken internally increases the secretion of bile and acts as a laxative by encouraging muscular contraction in the bowels. It is also soothing to mucous membrane and is said to dissolve cholesterol. Olive oil is useful externally for burns, bruises, Insect bites, sprains, and intense itching (pruritus). With alcohol it makes a good hair tonic, and with oil of rosemary a good treatment for dandruff. One of its most common uses is as a base for liniments and ointments.

Olive Leaf Cut & Sifted

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